ChemDraw Professional

Last changed: 04 July 2024

ChemDraw Professional is a program for manipulating molecular structures predominantly in chemistry.

ChemDraw Professional campus agreement

Important! ChemDraw/ChemOffice is now owned by Revvity Signals. All older Perkin Elmer versions of ChemOffice will be discontinued. The program will continue to be developed under the name Revvity ChemDraw

General info  (Update in progress)

Software included in the agreement

  • ChemOffice Professional (will be discontinued 2024)
  • ChemDraw Professional

Who can use the software

  • The agreement allows usage by both staff and students.

Media and installation om campus

Media for IT-managers is found on the SLU central software share. IT-Support also has a copy. 

Media and installation for students' own computers

1. Go to
2. Look up SLU (choose the letter S, then page forward and scroll down to Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences. It is on the last page of the list.)
3. Click on the link to the Chemoffice-version you want.
4. Registrer by filling in the information requested. Use your SLU e-mail address in the field for e-mail.  
5. You will recieve an e-mail. In the e-mail you will find a link to activate your account and choose a password. 
6. Log in using the account and password you created. (If you did not recieve an e-mail you can use the "password finder" to get a new one.  Fill in your SLU e-mail address and send.  
7. Download and install the program. Activate using the instructions on the page.  
8. (During installation it seem like it has stalled.  This can occur if the window for activation is concealed behind the installation window.  Just move the installation window to reveal it and continue the activation.)


It is important that you use your SLU e-mail, otherwise the software can not be licensed and avtivated. 


IT-support, SLU

Directsupport: 018-67 6600 option 1
