Edit videos

Last changed: 14 March 2022

Below is a manual for how to edit a video on SLU Play

1) Enter play.slu.se in your browser, to get to SLU's play portal.

2) Click the Login box, then Login in the drop-down menu.SLU Play Log In

3) Log in with your AD account.SLU Play AD

4) Then Login is replaced with your name and the Add New button is displayed.

5) If you then click on your name, the drop-down menu with My Media, My Playlists, My Channels, My History and, Logout will appear.

SLU Play Menu

6) Click on My Media and locate the video you want to edit.SLU Play Actions

7) Click on Action and Launch Editor, then you will enter the Video Editor. Start by pressing Save a Copy, then a copy of the raw file will be saved in your My Media.SLU Play Video Editor

The video editor is divided into three blocks.

  • Media tab
  • Video player
  • Timeline

8) All editing is done in the timeline. If you need to trim the video a bit at the beginning or end, just pull the handles on the timeline.SLU Play Timeline

9) If you need to trim off a break in the middle, place the cursor where you want to make a cut and press the scissors. Then pull on the new handles.SLU Play Timeline

10) An alternative is to make two clips in the timeline and select the clip you want to delete. Then click on the trash can.SLU Play Timeline

11) Until you press Save, the original video remains in the timeline. So the removed clip can be pulled out again. Just grab the handle and pull out the timeline.SLU Play Timeline

12) If you want a smooth transition in the clip, you can add a Fade. Select the clips and click on the line next to the dustbin.

13) Choose how long the Faden should be. Use Fade Out at the end of a clip and use Fade In at the beginning of a clip.

14) When you have finished the clip, press Save. BUT this action is NOT possible to undo.

15) If you did NOT start by pressing Save a Copy, use that button instead- because then the original file remains and you can undo the clip.SLU Play Editor