Pernilla Christensen

Last changed: 14 October 2024

Pernilla Christensen has been nominated as Deputy Dean by the election committee at the Faculty of Forest Sciences.

Pernilla Christensen


Pernilla Christensen, Environmental Assessment Specialist at the Department of Forest Resource Management. At SLU since 2007.

Basic education

  • PhD in Zoological Ecology

Recent positions and professional assignments

  • Environmental assessment specialist.
  • Vice Dean for Environmental Monitoring and Assessment ca 2013-2021.
  • Member of the Faculty Board 2012-2024.
  • Deputy Dean with responsibility for Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, Collaboration, Research Infrastructure, Communication, Work Environment, Environment 2022-2024 – these assignments also includes a position in a variety of groupings within and outside SLU such as various internal steering groups, the Swedish Species Information Centre's Management Council, the campus environment in Umeå, the Geodata Council at the national level, etc.
  • Head of a division at SRH 2017-2021.
  • Program manager at NILS 2014-2016.

Important future issues for the faculty and how I can contribute

Collaboration within the faculty and SLU, support a vibrant intra- and interdisciplinary science based discussion climate, skills supply and student recruitment, to quality assure, making our data available and visible, and finding good solutions for it, as well as improving communication routes. I am committed, a good collaborator, solution-oriented, responsible, listening, consolidating and good at getting things done.

Personal reflections

I appreciate working together with all of you at the faculty and constantly learning new things. During my years at SLU, I have acquired a breadth that I look forward to use in my continued work. My personal motto is "you can't do anything about things that you don't know about". It is through openness and cooperation that we find solutions, so that our expertise can become better known and used nationally as well as internationally.