Ola Lindroos

Last changed: 10 October 2024

Ola Lindroos has been nominated as a member/deputy by the election committee at the Faculty of Forest Sciences.

Ola Lindroos


Ola Lindroos, Professor at the Department of Forest Biomaterials and Technology. At SLU since 2002.

Basic education

  • MSc Forestry

Recent positions and professional assignments

  • Professor of forest operations, since 2026.
  • Vice dean for undergraduate and graduate education, 2019-2024
  • Facutly board member, 2019-2024.
  • One of two coordinators for IUFRO Div. 3 Forest operations management and engineering, since 2024. Was deputy division coordinator 2016-2024.

Important future issues for the faculty and how I can contribute

During the two previous terms of office, I have been vice-dean with responsibility for the education, but will not continue with that assignment in the coming term. But my main interest will continue to be the faculty's competence supply from a holistic perspective on the activities, utilization of the faculty's competence regardless of location, and to continue the long-term work of attracting students to our programs.

Personal reflections

The faculty's activities are highly topical and socially relevant, with an enormous breadth of expertise and perspectives on forests and forestry - and with a regional presence throughout the country. This enormous strength can and needs to be developed further to fully utilize and communicate this internally and externally. The current management has taken many good steps along the way, and I hope to have the opportunity to contribute to also the further development.