Adam Felton

Last changed: 10 October 2024

Adam Felton has been nominated as a member/deputy by the election committee at the Faculty of Forest Sciences.

Adam Felton


Adam Felton, Senior Lecturer at the Southern Swedish Forest Research Centre. At SLU since 2008.

Basic education

  • BSc (Hons 1A) Biological Science, JCU; PhD Resource Management & Environmental Science, ANU Australia

Recent positions and professional assignments

  • Employed at SLU since 2008, university lecturer since 2014.
  • Member of docent board 2018 -
  • Research advisory board to the SLU Rector 2017-2021.

Important future issues for the faculty and how I can contribute

I think the faculties most important goal is to help researchers and teachers provide cutting edge scientific and educational foundations for a sustainable future. To achieve this, I see a strong need to promote inter-disciplinary research & teaching across departmental and geographical boundaries. I hope to help the faculty achieve these goals, as well as those for SLU’s internal sustainability.

Personal reflections

As a conservation ecologist my research involves finding forest management pathways that conserve or restore biodiversity in forests managed to sustain multiple ecosystem services in a world of global change. Given that forests are complex social-ecological systems, I enjoy collaborating with colleagues across SLU. I hope my research and life experiences are highly relevant to serving the aims of the faculty.