Francisco X Aguilar

Last changed: 10 October 2024

Francisco X Aguilar has been nominated as a member/deputy by the election committee at the Faculty of Forest Sciences.

Francisco X Aguilar


Francisco X Aguilar Cabezas, Professor at the Department of Forest Economics. At SLU since 2018.

Basic education

  • Ph.D. Louisiana State University (USA)

Recent positions and professional assignments

  • Chair, Docent Board, Faculty of Forest Sciences, SLU.
  • Professor at SLU since 2018.
  • Leader, United Nations’ Economic Commission for Europe, Team of Specialists on wood products and energy statistics.
  • Deputy coordinator, IUFRO, 9.04.00 – Forest resource economics &
    4.05.03 – Managerial economics and accounting in Latin America.
  • University Fellow, Resources for the Future, Washington DC, USA.

Important future issues for the faculty and how I can contribute

I believe our Faculty can increase its visibility and value to SLU and society by demonstrating our collective ability to respond to societal concerns. I strive to put my interdisciplinary background to advance that goal by bringing disciplines together to contribute to sustainable forestry and current policy debates.

I believe in the power of mentoring of young scholars. During 2024 I have been the chair of the Docent Board and I am interested in instilling the value of mentoring to help advance academic careers.

Personal reflections

I moved to Sweden in 2018 but I still have a ‘newcomer’ feeling. I think our Faculty welcomed me from day 1. In spite of my challenges to communicate in Swedish, it is the quality of my ideas and my worth ethic that is value. By bringing my professional and personal experiences to the Board I hope to enrich the perspectives discussed at our collective S-faculty table.