Election to the S-faculty board

Last changed: 11 June 2024

In autumn 2024, elections will be held for the four faculty boards of SLU for the mandate period 2024-2027. On this page, you will find information about the election of the board for the S-faculty.

Latest news

On 17 June, the first nomination period begins, during which all employees of the S-faculty are invited to nominate candidates.

Timeline for election

Timeline for election of FN-S:

June 17-August 23
Nomination period 1. All employees at the S-faculty are invited to nominate candidates for FN-S.

September 23
The election committee presents its proposal to those entitled to vote.

September 23-October 4
Nomination period 2. Those entitled to vote at S-fak are invited to nominate additional candidates in addition to the selection committee's proposal.

October 21-29
Election period.

23 October
Hearing with the candidates.

1 November
The vice-chancellor appoints the dean and vice-dean. Election results are presented.

Invitation to nominate candidates

Those entitled to vote within the S-faculty will this autumn elect eight members and two deputies to the Faculty Board regarding the period 2025-2027. Among the eight ordinary members, the chairperson (dean) and vice chairperson (vice dean) are also appointed.

Nomination period 1: 17 June - 23 August

In a first nomination procedure, all employees at the S-faculty, are hereby invited to nominate candidates, including those who are not entitled to vote in the elections this autumn.

The majority of the members of the Faculty Board shall be part of the Faculty’s Electoral Assembly.

The nominations shall state

  • that the nominee has been consulted and accepted the assignment
  • if the nomination refers to the assignment as
    member/deputy, or
    chairperson or vice chairperson
  • a brief motivation.

Nominations are sent to valberedningen.sfak@slu.se no later than 23 August 23.

Nomination period 2: 23 September - 4 October

After the nomination period, the nomination committee will present a proposal for a new Faculty Board which will be presented to those entitled to vote on 23 September. Thereafter, the nomination committee invites those entitled to vote to submit additional nominations.

The election rules, the election committee’s proposal and information on additional nominated candidates will be announced to those entitled to vote no later than ten days before the election. A digital hearing with the candidates till be arranged October 23. The election period takes place during October 21-29.

More information

Information about the members who are part of an electoral assembly and those eligible to vote can be found on the election portal.

Information about the current members of the faculty board can be found on the staff of the S-faculty.

New nomination committee

28 February, the Faculty Board decided to appoint the following persons as members and alternates for the period 1 May 2024 and until further notice, however, no later than 30 April 2027.

Regular member Personal deputy
Dan Bergström (ordförande), Forest Biomaterials and Technology Jörgen Sjögren, Wildlife, Fish, and Environmental Studies
Karin Hjelm (vice ordförande), Southern Swedish Forest Research Centre Johanna Lundström, Forest Resource Management
Back Tomas Ersson, School for Forest Management Johan Westin, Field-based Forest Research
Cecilia Mark Herbert, Forest Economics Paul Kardol, Forest Mycology and Plant Pathology
Sandra Jämtgård, Forest Ecology and Management Joachim Strengbom, Ecology 
Eric Nystrand, student representantative Jakob Olsson, student representative

The work of the nominee committee

The primary task of a faculty nominee committee is to submit proposals for members, including the chair (dean) and vice chair (deputy dean), as well as two deputies to the faculty board. In addition, three members are appointed by SLUSS.