Jens Olsson

Last changed: 13 October 2024

Jens Olsson has been nominated as a member/deputy by the election committee at NJ.

Jens Olsson.


Jens Olsson, researcher, department of Aquatic Resources. At SLU since 2011.

Basic educations:

  • Master of Science in Biology, Uppsala University (2001).
  • PhD in Biology Uppsala University (2006).

Recent positions and professional assignments:

  • Vice dean Environmental Monitoring and Assessment at the NJ-Faculty, SLU (since 2022)
  • Member Faculty board at the NJ-faculty, SLU (since 2022)
  • Coordinator SLU Water Forum, SLU (since 2019)
  • Deputy head Institute of Coastal Research, Department of Aquatic Resources, SLU (2016-2019)
  • Coordinator Environmental Monitoring and Assessment program Coastal and Sea areas, SLU (2015-2019)
  • Researcher FLK, SLU (since 2011)
  • Researcher at Swedish Board of Fisheries (2008-2011)
  • Researcher Uppsala University (2007)

Important future issues for the faculty and how I can contribute:

Important issues for the faculty are recruitment of staff for higher academic and environmental monitoring and assessment (EMA) positions, strengthened cooperation between research, education and EMA, that SLU's knowledge is demanded in society, and that SLU is better known to the outside world. I can bring perspectives from EMA and EMA-related research, experience from cooperation with stakeholders, as well as sustainability issues in general.

Personal reflections:

SLU has a unique position with both breadth and depth in research, education and EMA covering almost all environmental issues. Our knowledge base forms a central part in the management and use of the environment and its resources. By strengthening the internal collaboration between research, EMA and education, by continuing to recruit competent staff and becoming better known, SLU can continue to be the central knowledge hub for sustainability in society.