Holger Dettki

Last changed: 14 October 2024

Holger Dettki is a free nomination as a board member/deputy.

Holger Dettki.


Holger Dettki, researcher at SLU Artdatabanken. At SLU since 2000.

Basic educations:

  • Associate professor
  • Senior environmental assessment specialist

Recent positions and professional assignments:

  • Head of unit ’Digital tools’, SLU SSIC
  • Deputy director ’Swedish Biodiversity Data Infrastructure’ (SBDI)
  • Committee member for appointment of senior environmental assessment specialists
  • Senior adviser for ’Wireless Remote Animal Monitoring’ (WRAM) biologging infrastructure
  • Co-organisator för Biodiversity Information Standards (TDWG) Interest Group (IG) ’Machine Observations’
  • Co-organisator för ’Data Standards’ arbetsgruppen inom International Biologging Society (IBLS)

Important future issues for the faculty and how I can contribute:

The faculty's mission is based on three pillars: research, teaching and environ-mental monitoring and assessment. These rest on a common foundation - physical and digital infrastructures, our 'tools'. Access to these infrastructures is crucial to meet the demands of society and academia. I will work to ensure stable and long-term support for infrastructures within the faculty and SLU to improve conditions for research, teaching and environmental monitoring and assessment at the faculty.

Personal reflections:

I have worked at SLU both as a researcher, teacher and environmental analyst. In the meantime, I have been responsible for national infrastructures such as Artportalen, WRAM and SBDI. I therefore have extensive experience of the challenges associated with operating and providing long term and stable local and national infrastructures at departmental or faculty level. I am passionate about giving this perspective a voice at the faculty, SLU, nationally and internationally.