After procurement, Telenor has won to become the new provider of telephony at SLU. During the autumn, there is a project to make the transition as smooth as possible.
The transition to Telenor will take place on 5 December 2022
- New SIM cards will be sent out in good time before the transition with instructions on how to do the change.
- Normally you will keep your phone number. There are a small number of special solutions where numbers may need to be changed. We will contact those concerned.
- During the autumn, Telenor will build for better mobile coverage inside buildings. The coverage inside buildings will be 4G and 2G.
- Certain subscriptions that are used for research purposes, e.g. tracking transmitters on moose, of course cannot be switched on a specific date. These will have to remain at Telia and be replaced later. If you have such subscriptions, send an email to as soon as possible.
- All current mobile broadbands will be shut down and new ones will have to be ordered. If you want a mobile broadband that works after 5th of December, you must come in with an order to
Before the transition to Telenor, tests of various functionality, coverage, etc. will be done in the project to ensure as smooth a transition as possible.
The project will continue to inform via the staff webb during the autumn.
Questions about the project can be sent to