Torbjörn Alwehammar
018-671039, 0703692636
A fire in an older drying cabinet was discovered in Alnarp. An investigation into the circumstances of the fire is ongoing.
On Tuesday, March 11, a local fire was reported in an older drying cabinet of the Termarks model in Vegetum Biotronen in Alnarp. The fire occurred in connection with drying plant samples. The cabinet was moved outdoors and no other fire damage other than the smell of smoke in the room has been noted.
As there are reportedly many cabinets of this type in several locations at SLU, we would like to draw everyone's attention to the need to be extremely careful with handling routines in connection with this type of drying.
An investigation into the circumstances of the fire in Alnarp is ongoing.
Torbjörn Alwehammar
018-671039, 0703692636