SLU news

News from the faculty board 13 june

Published: 11 June 2024

Below is a summary of the key decisions made at the Faculty Board meeting on 13 June.

Decisions on Priority Recruitments

The following recruitments were approved:

  • Senior Lecturer in Functional Ecology in Limnic Systems, Department of Aquatic Sciences and Assessment
  • Senior Lecturer in Plant Ecology, Department of Crop Production Ecology
  • Senior Lecturer in Plant Physiology, Department of Plant Biology
  • Associate Senior Lecturer in Inorganic Chemistry, Department of Molecular Sciences
  • Senior Lecturer in Microbial Biotechnology, Department of Molecular Sciences
  • Associate Senior Lecturer in Agrarian History, Department of Urban and Rural Development
  • Associate Senior Lecturer in Soil Microbiology, Department of Forest Mycology and Plant Pathology

As part of the strategic planning for skills provision at the NJ Faculty, the Faculty Board adopted a vision for staffing the faculty's subject areas in 2017, which generally means that all subject areas should have a core of grant-funded teachers.

Another component of the faculty's strategic planning is the dialogues held with all departments every other year since 2018. Based on the latest round of dialogues in spring 2024, the faculty management has made an overall assessment and prioritization among the requests submitted by the departments. The assessment and prioritization are based on the staffing vision established by the Faculty Board, the department's needs, the faculty's and SLU's strategy, and the needs in teaching.

The board also decided to finalise the advertisement for the recruitment of a professor in plant genetics at the Department of Plant Biology

Strategic Initiative in Molecular Sciences

Last year, the Faculty Board decided to phase out the subject area of Structural Molecular Biology at the Department of Molecular Sciences from 2025. The decision included proposing an initiative to integrate the expertise and infrastructure within the subject area of Structural Molecular Biology into other subject areas at the department.

The decision now made concerns a time-limited initiative at the department to carry out this integration during 2025 and 2026.

Responsibility for Moving and Restoration Costs

The board decided to repeal a 2010 decision that the faculty centrally handles moving and restoration costs when changes in premises are made. The new decision mainly means that costs for moving and restoring premises in connection with relocations should be handled by each department, but that the head of the department can discuss co-financing with the dean under special circumstances.

Dates for Faculty Board Meetings in 2025

The board decided that it will meet on the following dates in 2025:

  • 26–27 February
  • 24 April
  • 11 June
  • 18 September
  • 23 October
  • 11 December