
Call for SIANI expert group

Published: 16 May 2024

Apply now to become a SIANI expert group – the call for submissions closes on 9 June. SIANI’s expert group programme offers cross-sector groups a chance to get funding for small projects that contribute to more sustainable food systems in low-income contexts.

SIANI currently have groups focusing on One Health and waste recovery in Burkina Faso, land rights in Latin America, agrobiologicals in East Africa and pollination in Asia – learn more about the current expert groups.

If you would like to apply to become an expert group in the next round, here is all the information you need.


The Swedish International Agricultural Network Initiative – SIANI – is a global, open and inclusive network that supports and promotes multisector dialogue and action around our vision of sustainable, rights-based and inclusive food systems.

SIANI has 1,600 active members and is a partner to SLU Global. They work to advance knowledge and best practices that enhance food security and sustainable agriculture. 
