SLU news

The EastAfrican emphasise AgriFoSe2030 project in Kenya

Published: 15 February 2024
People sitting at a table reading a folder

The widely spread newspaper The EastAfrican recently published a news article emphasising the successful training manuals produced within Challenge 4 in AgriFoSe2030. The manuals focuses on traditional leafy vegetables and are part of the project "Governance of food systems for improved food security in Nakuru and Kisumu Counties, Kenya" lead by Samuel Onyango Omondi.

"Traditional leafy vegetables, native to Africa, play a crucial role in local diets due to their good response to inputs, adaptability, and richness in vitamins and minerals. An AgriFoSe2030 project, funded by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida), identifies these vegetables as pivotal for improving food and nutrition security, as well as providing income to smallholder farmers in Nakuru and Kisumu Counties, Kenya..." - The EastAfrican

Read the full news article in The EastAfrican here

Articles published at AgriFoSe2030:

Handing over of the training manual and cooking demonstrations for traditional leafy vegetables in Kisumu County, Kenya

Unveiling and handing over of the training manual for traditional leafy vegetables in Nakuru County, Kenya



Ng'endo Machua-Muniu

Communications Lead, C&E team
Stockholm Environment Institute
Telephone: +46 (0)70-316 80 30




