Louise Tetting, secretary at the Docent Board
Faculty of Forest Sciences, SLU, +4690-786 86 22
The lectures that took place on 11-12 November are available at SLU Play until 12 December
Here are the links to the lectures:
Gustav Hellström:
Beyond the Surface: Exploring fish behaviour with remote sensing technologies
Erin McCallum:
Understanding the consequences of exposure to pharmaceutical pollutants and wastewater effluents for aquatic wildlife
Aida Barguès Tobella:
Restoring degraded drylands in Africa for improved water security
Carola Häggström:
Från motorsåg till AI: Människans Roll i Skogsbrukets Omvandling
Renats Trubins:
Creating un-evenaged stands through gap cutting – production losses, growing stock and harvest impacts during the transition period
Louise Tetting, secretary at the Docent Board
Faculty of Forest Sciences, SLU, +4690-786 86 22