
Support for collaboration – suggest activities and projects!

Published: 18 October 2023

Do you have creative ideas about collaboration with external parties that have the potential to develop SLU's ability to collaborate? Now it is possible for employees to submit concrete proposals for collaboration activities and smaller pilot projects.

The Faculty of Forest Sciences has set aside funds to support the development of collaboration and encourage contact with new actors. By making more of SLU's researchers, teachers and environmental analysts more visible to external actors, we create opportunities for new collaboration within the framework of larger projects. Within Partnership Alnarp there is already the opportunity for employees at the Department of Southern Swedish Forest Science to apply for funds for activities and collaboration projects.

Proposals can be submitted by employees at SLU's Faculty of Forest Sciences and relate to working hours or activities during 2023 and 2024.

Examples of activities and projects

  • Networking: Active participation in existing networks and groupings (e.g. regional forest programmes) or activities to create networks in new areas.
  • Meeting places: Contributions to various events; e.g. thematic conferences, seminar series, meetings, workshops, hackathons.
  • Pilot project: Smaller research and development projects that can lead to continued collaboration and provide a basis for larger applications.

It is an advantage if the activity, in addition to external parties, involves more than one department or unit at SLU. Co-financing from external collaboration partners is an advantage but not a requirement. We aim for a subject and geographical spread among the proposals granted.
We accept proposals of up to SEK 50000 for meeting places and networking and up to SEK 100000 for smaller pilot projects. Larger projects could also receive funding. If so, please contact us for more information.
The activity should match the SLU definition of external collaboration: 

Collaboration is a means or a process that requires two or more parties to achieve a common goal that would not have been possible for them to achieve on their own. When it comes to collaboration, people are the most important resource.

When and how do I submit proposals?

Decisions are made on an ongoing basis when it comes to networking and meeting places (max SEK 50 000). For pilot projects (max SEK 100 000, we need proposals by November 8 2023.

The project description should be short, and may occupy a maximum of two A4 pages:

This information should be included 

  • Title of activity.
  • Project manager: Name, Department, e-mail address.
  • Type of activity.
  • External target group/partners.
  • A description of what is to be achieved and how
  • Timetable for implementation.
  • A simple budget that clearly shows how/by whom the funds will be used and information about possible co-financing.

The proposals are sent to:

How is my proposal handled?

The proposals are prepared by the collaboration coordinators and decisions are made in consultation with the faculty management. Employees who already have collaboration as part of their service cannot use this for salary funds.

Information about the proposals will be disseminated to SLU's other collaboration platforms and discussed with external actors. Even if your proposal isn´t approved at this stage, this can lead to it being financed in another way.

When I have been granted collaboration funding, what do I do?

The coordinators ensure that the funds is transferred to the applicant. After the activity or project is completed, a short written report is made. More details about this will be sent out in connection with the announcement that the proposal has been approved. The project manager is also expected to participate in an internal or external meeting to share results and experiences.

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