
News from the VH Faculty Board September 14

Published: 06 September 2022

The Faculty Board's meeting on September 14 contained agenda had many information points, including about the Integration Project and the Expansion Project as well as the financial half-year report. The board made decisions concerning recruitments, on new members of the Companion Animals Research Fund and on dates for next year's faculty board meetings.

Half-year report and upcoming allocation of funds

Faculty Financial Officers Inger Alderborn and Jimmy Karlsson presented the first-semester finances.

The half-year result is positive, amounting to SEK 11 million, 15 million more than budgeted for the first six months. The main surplus can be found in research, but undergraduate and Master’s courses and programmes also show positive figures. Six of the faculty’s seven departments show better results than planned for the first six months. The funds carried forward for this period are SEK 94.6 million. Most of this (80 per cent) can be found at the department level, the rest at the faculty level. Most of the funds relate to research and are tied up in current and planned strategic investments.

For the year as a whole, the forecast is a slightly negative result. This is because several departments are planning to recruit, several strategic investments are planned and in general, costs tend to be higher in autumn than in spring.

The integration UDS-VH

Dean Rauni Niskanen and Anders Bjurstam informed about the Integration Project. Read more about the Integration Project here (in Swedish now but an English web is coming).

The infrastructure

Vice-dean Johan Dicksved informed about the research infrastructure under the heading "Infrastructure as hubs for knowledge and collaboration platforms". The infrastructure was discussed in small groups and the results were then reported at the end.

SLU's equality integration

Vice-dean Lena Lidfors informed about the plan for equality integration that the Vice-Chancellor decided at the end of August and which applies to the whole of SLU. The plan is here at the top. Here you can read more about gender equality and equal opportunities at SLU.

New VH professor

On 1 June, Renée Båge took up a position as a professor of animal reproduction at the Department of Clinical Sciences. Earlier this year, Renée was appointed vice dean responsible for collaboration. Read more:

New members of the Companion Animals Research Fund

The faculty board decided to appoint Jenny Frössling, a researcher at SVA, and John Pringle, professor emeritus, new members of the Companion Animals Research Fund for the period September 2022 to June 2025. 

Next year’s meetings

In 2023, the faculty board will meet on the following dates:

Spring semester

  • Wednesday 8 February
  • Wednesday 29 March
  • Wednesday 10 May
  • Wednesday 14 June

Autumn semester

  • Wednesday 13 September
  • Wednesday 18 October
  • Wednesday 13 December


Kristina Jungnelius, Faculty Adminstrative Officer
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science, SLU, +4618-67 16 87, +4670-203 33 14