Following the recent spate of “Zoombombing” attacks against Swedish universities, the SLU Security Unit is issuing the following advice and recommendations on how you can increase security for your Zoom meetings.
Zoombombing is when unwelcome participants connect to a Zoom meeting with the aim of sabotaging and causing disruption.
How to prevent sabotage to Zoom meetings
- Create a password so only those with passwords are able to connect to the meeting.
- Do not publish meeting invitations publicly. Only share the meeting link and password with trusted participants.
- Turn off the possibility for participants to present content and share their screen.
- Activate the waiting room feature. This feature enables meeting organisers to verify that only trusted participants can join the meeting.
- The Zoom Guide contains information about how to schedule Zoom meetings.
If your Zoom meeting is sabotaged:
- If a participant disrupts an ongoing meeting, you can remove them by using the function under the “Participants” menu. Place the cursor over the participant’s name to view the “More” option. Then click “Remove” on the drop-down menu. Participants who have been removed from a Zoom meeting will not be able to re-join.
Contact the SLU Security Unit if you have any more questions about Zoom security.