
New director at SLU Swedish Biodiversity Centre (CBM)

Published: 02 March 2021
Portrait photo of Torbjörn Ebenharnd. Photo.

From the first of March, Torbjörn Ebenhard is the new director of the SLU Swedish Biodiversity Centre, CBM.

Almost since SLU Swedish Biodiversity Centre (CBM) first started in 1996, Torbjörn Ebenhard has been a researcher at the center. Much has happened since then, but the mission and the vision of the center remains the same: to work for conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity, in Sweden and globally.

Having worked many years with both IPBES (The Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services) och CBD (The Convention of Biological Diversity), Torbjörn has a long experience also of global biodiversity work.

During last year he led the work with translating and adapting the global IPBES report The assessment report on land degradation and restoration, to Swedish conditions. He is currently a part of the Swedish delegation for the COP15 of CBD, where the post-2020 global biodiversity framework will be decided on, outlining what countries need to do in the next decade and beyond, to set humanity on course for achieving the CBD’s overall vision of “living in harmony with nature” by 2050.

Regarding CBM, Torbjörn Ebenhard wants to see the center grow and develop:

- When the new strategy of CBD is to be realized in Sweden, I hope that CBM can be there supporting and inspiring all actors in society that has to contribute to the societal change that is needed to reach the CBD vision of a life in harmony with nature, Torbjörn says.
