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Welcome to nominate students and mentors to the first cohort of the GCUA 2030 mentoring programme. Each GCUA 2030 partner university is invited to nominate 1 student and 1 mentor to the first cohort. The deadline to send in your nomination is 3 December 2021 to
The programme will be led by Dr. Katarina Billing who is a certified psychologist, coach and journalist with more than 20 years’ experience of working with people and leadership development.
What: The programme consists of six modules and is designed to meet the following goals:
When: The programme will run from March to December 2022.
The mentees need to participate in all 6 modules/seminars.
The module dates are the following:
There will also be half a day of guest lecture in the programme for which the date is not set yet.
Each module consists of a half-day seminar. The same seminar will be given on two occasions on the same day to account for the different time zones.
Between each module the participant is expected to put approximately half a day on preparatory homework that consists of reading and learning buddy work etc.
The mentors are expected to participate in one introductory half-day seminar in the beginning of the programme. The introductory mentor kick-off takes place 1 April for approximately 3 hrs. In addition, mentee and mentor meet approximately 8 times for approximately 1,5 hrs. The final meeting will take place in December 2022 after the last module.
How: All meetings will be held over Zoom
Who: Each GCUA 2030 member is asked to nominate two individuals:
1. GCUA 2030 members can nominate one student from any discipline related to the SDGs. Nominated students must commit to participating in the full programme and provide answers to the following questions:
2. GCUA 2030 members who nominate a student must also nominate a mentor to participate in the programme. This mentor can also be from any discipline and will have the opportunity to mentor a student from another GCUA 2030 partner. Mentors must be ready to dedicate time and effort and possess the following characteristics:
The deadline to send in your nomination is 3 December 2021 to
Get in contact with the GCUA 2030 team: