SLU news

We welcome Tingmingke Lu to the department of economics

Published: 28 January 2020

In August 2019 we welcomed a new staff member to the department. Postdoc Tingmingke Lu, who will work within the Environmental Economics group. And we want to get to know him better!

1. Why did you apply for a position at the department of economics?
A: To further develop my teaching skills and research profile.
2. Who will you be working with and what projects will you be involved in?
A: I'm working with Professor Rob Hart.

3. Quick questions:

Morning person or night owl?
A: Morning person
Books or magazines?
A: Books
Sunshine- or activity holiday?
A: Activity holidays
Scary movies or comedies?
A: Comedies
Name a place you would like to visit in the world and why
A: The Himalayas. To explore the mountains.

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