SLU news

New restaurant and café at Ultuna

Published: 21 January 2020

On Monday 13 January, Restaurang Logen opened at campus Ultuna. It can be found in the beautiful old building from 1862. The owner is Nordrest, which runs several restaurants in Stockholm. It focuses on green and innovative solutions, which now can be found in Ultuna.

As of Monday 20 January, the restaurant will open at 8am for those who want to buy a coffee, sandwich or pastry, and lunch is served between 11am and 2pm. Logen closes at 3pm.

Lunch always includes soup. There are three lunch alternatives to choose from. Bread is made in-house, and there is a big salad buffet. Lunch costs SEK 115, but with a Nordrest card, the price is SEK 98.

Link to menu in Swedish

Photo: Mårten Granert-Gärdfeldt.

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