
Seminar on modelling natural pest control

Published: 03 June 2019

Lund University and Gothenburg university is giving a seminar in Lund the 17th of June in the network BECC, Biodiversity and Ecosystem services in a Changing Climate. Mattias Jonsson from CBC is one of the speakers and will talk about redundance and climate reslience in biological control.

Predicting, managing and optimizing the provision of biodiversity-driven ecosystem services in croplands is a critical component of sustainable environmental management.

Increasing losses to pests due to direct and indirect effects of climate change is predicted to hamper our future ability to produce enough food, feed and fibre. Natural biological control of insect pests remains difficult to predict beyond the crop level and system-specific attempts. This is likely due to the diversity in cropping systems and species communities, functional traits of key species, and the contrasting spatio-temporal landscape dynamics.

This seminar brings together researchers in this area that will present our current state of knowledge in this area.

Read more about the seminar and register here.

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