
Charge your car on the Ultuna campus

Published: 29 May 2018

At the moment, electric car charging points are being installed in the car park by Ulls väg 24 A on the Ultuna campus. The points enable you to charge your car while parked. They are available from 1 June. Please move your car when it is fully charged in order for others to use the point.

To facilitate charging, and to manage payments as simply as possible, Akademiska hus has decided to use Laddkoll. In their app, you can view available spaces before you even arrive. You can also view lots of other charging points in Sweden. Below are charging and payment instructions.

Laddkoll – start, stop and pay for charging

  1. Download the app “Laddkoll” from Appstore or GooglePlay.
  2. Register an account and your credit card.
  3. Start the charging process in the app.
  4. Connect the cable to the charging point.
  5. Once the cable is connected to the car and charging point, the car begins charging.
  6. Stop charging by using the app.

In order to give as many as possible the chance to charge their electric car, please park the car somewhere else once it is fully charged.

How much does it cost?

Charging a car costs about SEK 9/hour. It corresponds to SEK 5/10 kilometres.


If you have trouble charging your car or have any questions, contact Laddkoll on 08-410 835 25.

The Laddkoll app

Simply create an account in the Laddkoll app. Search areas or addresses for charging points. The points on the Ultuna campus are called “Akademiska Hus Uppsala” and they will appear if you search for Uppsala. The app also shows free spaces. N.B. The price in the app has a default setting, but will change to the correct price ¬– SEK 9/hour – as soon as possible.

For a larger image of what the Laddkoll app looks like, click here.

Akademiska hus

The charging points are an initiative by Akademiska hus as part of their environmental objectives for sustainable campuses. To keep the charging points for as long as possible, they have chosen to test a payment solution that covers the costs included in current and future investments.

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