
Easy navigation on the new web

Published: 20 May 2016

In the weeks leading up to the launch on 1 June, we will be publishing short notices describing some of the features of our new websites. This is the second notice, explaining how easy it will be to navigate and find your way around the web using the new ‘mega menus’.

On the old web, you would navigate using the menu in the column on the left. This menu will not be present on the new web – instead, there will be a horizontal top menu (image 1). This menu will be displayed on all pages, regardless of whether you open a department page or the page with the SLU image bank. If you click on one of the menu items, a ‘mega menu’ opens (image 2). The mega menu contains headings intended to give a good overview of the content of that particular menu item, for example Collaboration. Each mega menu item is a link to pages under that heading.

Each faculty, department or other unit with its own web pages can create their own mega menus to suit your activities and your web content (image 3).

The mega menus quickly give the visitors an overview of a subject or an activity. As they will see more levels in the structure, they can find the page they are looking for more quickly.

Image 1. In the red rectangle, you will find top menus that open so-called ’mega menus’ on the SLU web. Click here to enlarge the image.

Image 2. This is what a ’mega menu’ looks like. Click here to enlarge the image.

Image 3. This is what a mega menu for a department may look like. In the blue rectangle, you see the top-level SLU menu. Click here to enlarge the image.


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