CV page
Research assistant at the Department of animal environment and health, Section of ethology and animal welfare, Uppsala.
Working in different research projects in the area of animal welfare science, with a primary focus on positive welfare and emotional states in animals. Web master for the Department of animal environment and health.
- MSc in Biology, SLU (2008)
Selected publications
- Skånberg, L., Gauffin, O., Norling, Y., Lindsjö, J., Keeling, L.J. (2018) Cage size affects comfort, safety and the experienced security of working dogs in cars. Applied Animal Behaviour Science 205, 132-40. DOI:
- Hartmann, E., Boe, K.E., Christensen, J.W., Hyyppä, S., Jansson, H., Jorgensen, G.H.M., Ladewig, J., Mejdell, C.M., Norling, Y., Rundgren, M., Sarkijärvi, S., Sondergaard, E., Keeling, L.J. (2015) A Nordic survey of management practices and owners' attitudes towards keeping horses in groups. Journal of Animal Science 93, 4564-4574.
- McGowan, R.T.S., Rehn, T., Norling, Y. & Keeling, L.J. (2013) Positive affect and learning: exploring the "Eureka effect" in dogs. Animal Cognition DOI 10.1007/s10071-013-0688-x.
- Burman, O., McGowan, R., Mendl, M., Norling, Y., Paul, E., Rehn, T. & Keeling, L. (2011) Using judgement bias to measure positive affective state in dogs. Appl. Anim. Behav. Sci. 132: 160-168.
- Norling, Y. and Keeling, L. (2010) Owning a dog and working: a telephone survey of dog owners and employers in Sweden. Anthrozoös 23, 157–171.
Research Assistant at the
Department of Applied Animal Science and Welfare; Tillämpad etologi
BOX 7024
750 07 Uppsala
Ulls väg 26, Skara