Simon R Law
By monitoring global gene expression in multiple cohabiting species across a typical growing season, we aim to describe the symbiotic relationship between Norway Spruce (Picea abies) roots and their colonising fungal partners at the molecular level. Broadly speaking, the soils of northern boreal forests are highly nutrient limited. As such, they provide a perfect canvas for investigating the impact alterations in soil nutrient levels can have on trees and mycorrhizal fungi. Thus, we compared nutrient-deficient control plots with matching plots that have been fertilized with an optimised macro- and micronutrient regime for 25 years, allowing us to describe enhancements and challenges occurring from both symbiotic perspectives.
2019-present Researcher, Dept of Forest Genetics and Plant Physiology , SLU, Sweden
2015-2019 Postdoc, Dept of Plant Physiology, Umeå University
2014 Research Officer, ARC Centre of Excellence in Plant Energy Biology La Trobe University, Australia
2014 PhD, ARC Centre of Excellence in Plant Energy Biology,The University of Western Australia
2009 Honours in Biochemistry, ARC Centre of Excellence in Plant Energy Biology,The University of Western Australia
2007 BSc in Molecular Genetics, The University of Western Australia
Selected publications
Sylvestre-Gonon E, Law SR, Schwartz M, Robe K, Keech O, Didierjean C, Dubos C, Rouhier N, Hecker A. (2019) Functional, structural and biochemical features of plant serinyl-glutathione transferases. Frontiers in Plant Physiology
Law SR, Chrobok D, Delhomme N, Lindén P, Brouwer B, Juvany M, Ahad A, Moritz T, Jansson S, Gardeström P and Keech O (2018) The different metabolic strategies used by leaves in response to darkness can support rapid senescence or a strong aptitude for survival. Plant Physiology 177: 132–150
Chrobok D, Law SR, Brouwer B, Lindén P, Ziolkowska A, Liebsch D, Narsai R, Szal B, Moritz T, Rouhier N, Whelan J, Gardeström P, Keech O. (2016) Dissecting the Metabolic Role of Mitochondria during Developmental Leaf Senescence. Plant Physiology 172, 2132-2153.
Law SR, Narsai R and Whelan J, (2014) Mitochondrial biogenesis in plants during seed germination. Mitochondrion DOI 10.1016/j.mito.2014.04.002
Wang Y, Law SR, Narsai R, Van Aken O, Uggalla V, Van der Merwe M, Duncan O, Whelan J and Murcha MW (2014) The mitochondrial protein import component, translocase of the inner membrane 17-1 (Tim17-1) plays a role in defining the timing of germination in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Physiology DOI: 10.1104/pp.114.245928
Ivanova A, Law SR, Duncan O, Narsai R, Hoon JL, Radomiljac J, Xiaofeng X, Van Der Merwe M, Yi K and Whelan J. (2014) An antagonistic relationship between auxin and mitochondrial retrograde signalling regulates ALTERNATIVE OXIDASE 1a in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Physiology 165, 1233-1254
Ng S, Ivanova A, Duncan O, Law SR, Van Aken O, De Clercq I, Wang Y, Carrie C, Xu L, Kmiec B, Walker H, Van Breusegem, F, Whelan J, Giraud E. (2013) A Membrane-Bound NAC Transcription Factor, ANAC017, Mediates Mitochondrial Retrograde Signalling in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell 25, 3450-3471.
De Clercq I, Vermeirssen V, Van Aken O, Vandepoele K, Murcha MW, Law SR, Inzé A, Ng S, Ivanova A, Rombaut D, van de Cotte B, Jaspers P, van de Peer Y, Kangasjärvi J, Whelan J, Van Breusegem F. (2013) The Membrane-Bound NAC Transcription Factor ANAC013 Functions in Mitochondrial Retrograde Regulation of the Oxidative Stress Response in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell 25, 3472-3490.
Law SR, Narsai R, Taylor NL, Delannoy E, Carrie C, Giraud E, Millar AH, Small I and Whelan J (2012), Nucleotide and RNA metabolism prime translational initiation in the earliest events of mitochondrial biogenesis during Arabidopsis germination. Plant Physiology 158, 1610-1627.
Narsai, R, Law SR, Carrie C, Xu L and Whelan J. (2011), In depth temporal transcriptome profiling reveals a crucial developmental switch with roles for RNA processing and organelle metabolism that are essential for germination in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Physiology 157, 1342-1362.