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Sabrina Mittl
I am a research assistant at the research station Grimsö since 2017. After working in the RåFäst-project with ticks and in the DNA-lab for the wolf monitoring, I am now part of the wolverine research group since spring 2018.
My main tasks are data collection, preparation and field coordination for the predation study within the interreg project "GRENSEVILT" between Sweden and Norway. Additionally, I am writing reports to EPA and WWF concerning for example the "favorable conservation status" of the wolverine or the compilation of knowledge about small mustelids.
Bachelor's degree in Biology (2015) (Nature Conservation and Landscape Planning) at Hochschule Anhalt (University), Germany, with a thesis about the importance and the education of a scat detection dog for the German wolf monitoring.
Master's degree in Biology (2017) (Management of Fish and Wildlife Populations) at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) in Umeå, with a thesis on the importance of study design (especially sample collection) using an eDNA monitoring approach for pond living amphibians, in collaboration with "Hochschule Anhalt" and the county board of Saxony in Germany.