CV page

Johan Dicksved

Johan Dicksved


Research Interests:

My research aims to explore the function and ecology of the microbiota in the gastrointestinal tract. The focus of my research is on understanding the interactions that occur between the microbiota, probiotics, prebiotics and the influence of diet on gut health. 

Research Goal:

To identify beneficial microbes or microbial-encoded functions in the gut that can improve gut health. Understand the link between different feeding strategies, microbiota and their influence on gut health. 

Research Skills:

Microbiology, Molecular biology primarily with focus on DNA-based methods. I have experience of working with clinical materials from various animals (pig, human, dog, chicken, horse, cow and rat) and sample types including feces, digesta, various tissue samples and milk. I have experience from all steps in the amplicon sequencing process, from sample preparation to the bioinformatic analysis of sequence data. Moreover I have experience of working with probiotics and prebiotics and their interactions with the gut epithelium.

Activity in the scientific society:

Referee commissions in journals such as, PLoS One, ISME journal, Applied and Environmental Microbiology and International Journal of Food Microbiology


I was course leader for the PhD-student course: Host–Microbe Interactions in the Gut, SLU. October, 2013.

I communicate specific data from my own research and information on the overall research area to undergraduate students, graduate students and researchers at SLU, Uppsala University and Karolinska Institute, in general 2-3 times/year. I have also been invited to give seminars about my research area for medical doctors, for example at the Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) expert forum.


On-going projects:

Title Project managers
Absorption of nutrients in catheterized pigs – a model to understand the link between diet, health and disease  PI: Johan Dicksved, SLU
Is obesity in dogs associated with inflammatory markers and the gut microbiota? PI: Sara Wernersson, SLU PhD-student: Josefin Söder, SLU
Microbiome analysis of bovine milk - a tool for better understanding of mammary health 

PI: Sigrid Agenäs, SLU

PhD-student: Josef Dahlberg, SLU

Mitigating methane emissions- A mission impossible? 

PI: Jan Bertilsson, SLU

PhD-student: Rebecca Danielsson, SLU

Chicory as a fiber source in piglet nutrition PI: Jan Erik Lindberg, SLU
The effects of enterolignans in chronic disease

PI: Rikard Landberg, SLU

PhD-student: Anne-Kirstine Eriksen; SLU and Danish Cancer Society 


Professor at the Department of Applied Animal Science and Welfare; Enkelmagade
Telephone: +4618672810
Postal address:
Box 234
532 23 Uppsala
Visiting address: Gråbrödragatan 19, Uppsala