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Hege Sande

Hege Sande
I am a PhD student at the Department of Aquatic Resources in Lysekil, and the aim of my research is to increase the knowledge of the most important recreational fisheries in Sweden.


The aim of the project is to increase the knowledge on the most important marine recreational fisheries for selected fish and crustacean species in Sweden, and provide information on recreational catches for the purpose of incorporation into stock assessments.

In 2017 & 2018, the SLU-MRFS (Marine Recreational Fisheries Survey) was carried out as an on-site survey in the Swedish coastal areas bordering ICES SD 23 & 24, corresponding to the southwest and south coast of Skåne.

Recreational catches of Western Baltic Cod by private boat and tourboat were estimated as a result of the SLU-MRFS, and due to the probabilistic survey design it is possible to calculate catches of other species encountered in the survey. The WBC catches have been implented in ICES analytical stock assessment.

The knowledge gained during the SLU-MRFS were used to inform an optimized survey with frequency dependent sampling of catches combined with camera for effort, The CAMS-CS (Camera assisted marina sampling – core sites), implemented in 2019.

In the project LOBSERVE, we explore the potential of citizen science in data collection of the European Lobster. Volunteer lobster fishers performed test fishing outside of the season to attain CPUE and length distributions from a large geographical area, in a survey methodology similar to that of SLUs own lobster survey.

I have presented some of our findings at:

ICES ASC 2019 (Gothenburg)

World Recreational Fisheries Conference 9, 2021 (recording available at the WRFC-online YouTube-channel,

World Fisheries Congress 2021 (available as on-demand presentation at the WFC2021 virtual portal)

Selected publications

Skov, C., Hyder, K., Gundelund, C., Ahvonen, A., Baudrier, J., Borch, T., deCarvalho, S., et al. 2021. Expert opinion on using angler Smartphone apps to inform marine fisheries management: status, prospects, and needs. ICES Journal of Marine Science.

Sande, H. (2020). Recreational fisheries – characterization, quantification and biological impact on natural resources. Aqua Introductory Research Essay 2020:1. Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Department of Aquatic Resources, Drottningholm Lysekil Öregrund. pp 46.

Sande, H.A., Persson, A., Mehl, S., Devine, J.A., Schmidt, T.C. dos S., Karlsen, Ø., Godiksen, J.A., Kjesbu, O.S., 2019. Temperature and age effects on latitudinal growth dynamics of the commercially valuable gadoid Northeast Arctic saithe (Pollachius virens). Fisheries Research 213, 94–104.




Doctoral Student at the Department of Aquatic Resources; Institute of Marine Research, joint staff
Telephone: +46104784095, +46768323958
Postal address:
Turistgatan 5
453 30 LYSEKIL
Visiting address: Turistgatan 5, Lysekil