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Håkan Berglund

Håkan Berglund
Environmental assessment specialist. I work in the fields of ecology, biodiversity conservation and forest management. My main tasks are to initiate, plan and manage environmental assessments made on behalf of Swedish authorities (the Environmental Protection Agency, the Forest Agency and the County Administrative Board) and international organizations (the European Topic Centre). The analytic work includes study design, data collection and compilation, statistical analyses, scientific reviews and syntheses, expert assessments, quality assurance and dissemination of results. I also develop new indicators and analytic methods for monitoring and assessing the conservation status of habitats and species. The results are used for the Article-17 report of forest habitats under EU Habitats Directive, the national Red List and the national environmental objectives system. I also develop guidelines for forest biodiversity conservation and management.

Selected publications

International scientific, peer-reviewed articles:

Berglund, H., Kuuluvainen, T. 2021. Representative boreal forest habitats in northern Europe, and a revised model for ecosystem management and biodiversity conservation. Ambio 1-15. DOI 10.1007/s13280-020-01444-3.

Dawson, S. K. , Berglund, H. , Ovaskainen, O. , Snäll, T. , Jonsson, B.G, Jönsson, M. 2020. Convergence of fungal traits over time in natural and forestry-fragmented patches. Biological Conservation, vol. 251.

Ylisirniö, A-l., Penttilä, R., Berglund, H., Hallikainen, V., Isaeva, L., Kauhanen, H., Koivula, M., Mikkola, K. 2012. Dead wood and polypore diversity in natural post-fire succession forests and managed stands - Lessons for biodiversity management in boreal forests. Forest Ecology and Management 286: 16-27.

Berglund, H., Hottola, J., Penttilä, R., Siitonen, J. 2011a. Linking substrate and habitat requirements of wood-inhabiting fungi to their regional extinction vulnerability. Ecography 34: 864-875.

Berglund, H., Jönsson, M.T., Penttilä, R., Vanha-Majamaa, I. 2011b. The effects of burning and dead-wood creation on the diversity of pioneer wood-inhabiting fungi in managed boreal spruce forests. Forest Ecology and Management 261: 1293-1305.

Rudolphi, J., Caruso, S., von Crautlein, M., Laaka-Lindberg, S., Ryömä, R., Berglund, H. 2011. Relative importance of thinned and clear-cut stands for bryophyte diversity on stumps. Forest Ecology and Management, Forest Ecology and Management 261: 1911-1918.

Yllesjärvi, I., Berglund, H., Kuuluvainen, T. 2011. Relationships between wood-inhabiting fungal species richness and habitat variables in old-growth forest stands in the Pallas-Yllastunturi National Park, northern boreal Finland. Silva Fennica 45: 995-1013.

Lommi, S., Berglund, H., Kuusinen, M., Kuuluvainen, T. 2010. Epiphytic lichen diversity in late-successional Pinus sylvestris forests along local and regional forest utilization gradients in eastern boreal Fennoscandia. Forest Ecology and Management 259: 883-892.

Ylisirniö, A-L., Berglund, H., Aakala, T., Kuuluvainen, T., Kuparinen, A-M., Norokorpi, Y., Hallikainen, V., Mikkola, K., Huhta, E. 2009. Spatial distribution of dead wood and the occurrence of five saproxylic fungi in old-growth timberline spruce forests in northern Finland. Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research 24: 527-540.

Berglund, H., O’Hara, R.B., Jonsson, B.G. 2009. Quantifying habitat requirements of tree-living species in fragmented boreal forests with Bayesian methods. Conservation Biology 23: 1127-1137.

Berglund, H., Jonsson, B.G. 2008. Assessing the extinction vulnerability of wood-inhabiting fungal species in fragmented boreal forests. Biological Conservation 141, 3029-3039.

Berglund, H., Edman, M., Ericson, L. 2005. Temporal variation of wood-fungi diversity in boreal oldgrowth forests – Implications for monitoring. Ecological Applications 15, 970-982.

Berglund, H., Jonsson, B.G. 2005. Verifying an extinction debt among lichens and fungi in northern Swedish boreal forests. Conservation Biology 19, 338-348.

Ericsson, T.S., Berglund, H., Östlund, L. 2005. History and forest biodiversity of woodland key habitats in south boreal Sweden. Biological Conservation 122, 289-303.

Berglund, H., Jonsson, B.G. 2003. Nested plant and fungal communities; the importance of area and habitat quality in maximizing species capture in boreal old-growth forests. Biological Conservation 112, 319-328. An erratum is published as a separate article: Berglund, H., Jonsson, B.J. 2004. Biological Conservation 117: 563-565.

Berglund, H., Jonsson, B.G. 2001. Predictability of plant and fungal species richness of old-growth boreal forest islands. Journal of Vegetation Science 12, 857-866.

Berglund, H., Ryvarden, L. 2000. Oligoporus nov. sp. Cryptogamie Mycologie 21, 145-146.

Non-peer reviewed reports:

Berglund, H. 2020. Skog (Forests). In Westling, A., Toräng, P., Jacobson, A., Haldin, M., Naeslund, M. (ed.). Sveriges arter och naturtyper i EU:s art- och habitatdirektiv – bevarandestatus i Sverige 2013. Naturvårdsverket, Stockholm. In Swedish.

Berglund, H., Sundberg, S., Eide, W. 2018. Arters spridning i en grön infrastruktur – kunskapsöversikt och vägledning för analys. ArtDatabanken Rapporterar 19. ArtDatabanken SLU, Uppsala. In Swedish.

García Feced, C., Berglund, H. Strnad, M. 2015. Scoping document: information related to European old growth forests. ETC/BD report to the EEA.ETC/BD, Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris Cedex, France.

Berglund, H. Dahlberg, A., Hallingbäck, T., Larsson, A., Sandström, J., Thor, G. 2015. Skog (Forests). In Sandström, J., Bjelke, U., Carlberg, T. & Sundberg, S. (eds) Tillstånd och trender för arter och deras livsmiljöer – rödlistade arter i Sverige 2015. ArtDatabanken Rapporterar 17. ArtDatabanken, SLU. Uppsala. In Swedish.

Snäll, Moen, Berglund, Bengtsson. 2014. Mapping and assessment of ecosystems and their services – the Swedish Forest Pilot. Rapport 6626. Naturvårdsverket, Stockholm.

Jonsell, M., Berglund, H., Caruso, A., Rudolphi, J., Svensson, M., Taylor, A., Taylor, A.F.S., Thor, G., Viktorsson, J.. 2013. Stubbrytningens effekter på vedlevande mångfald. Fakta skog 2013:7. SLU, Umeå, Sweden. In Swedish.

Fridh, M., Berglund, H., Broman, N., Eriksson, A., Gemmel, P., Kellner, O., Hedström Ringvall, A., Rothpfeffer, C., Sandberg, P. 2013. Hänsynsuppföljning – underlag inför detaljerad kravspecifikation. Rapport 4. Skogsstyrelsen, Jönköping. In Swedish.

Framstad, E., Berglund, H., Gundersen, V., Heikkilä, R. 2009. Increased biomass harvesting for bioenergy - effects on biodiversity, landscapes amenities and cultural heritage. TemaNord 2009:591. Nordiska Ministerådet, Köpenhamn.

Berglund, H. 2006b. Helträdsutnyttjande – konsekvenser för klimat och biologisk mångfald. Rapport 5562. Swedish Environmental Protection Agency, Stockholm. In Swedish with English summary.


Environmental Assessment Specialist at the Swedish Species Information Centre; SLU Artdatabanken Terrestra ekosystem 1
Telephone: +4618672237, +46738234184