3 May


Workshop: Towards Sustainable Maritime Transportation in the Arctic

seminars, workshops |
A pictur of arctic ice that has broken into the ocean.

Is it possible to convert the waste from the Swedish pulp and paper industry into sustainable biofuels and use it for maritime transportation?

The answer to this interesting question is the goal of the project  “Forest-based biofuels for Sustainable Arctic Marine Shipping (BioArctic)”. The project team led by Dalia Abdelfattah from SLU; with partners from Umeå University and Arctic Research Center have been working together on this project which was funded by the Swedish Research Council for Sustainable Development (FORMAS).

The findings of this project along with other interesting research works related to Maritime Transportation in the Arctic will be presented in an upcoming workshop on the 3rd May 2024.

The workshop aims to raise awareness about environmental problems in the Artic and recommend actions to reduce the negative impacts, promote utilization of biofuels for the shipping sector in Arctic and provide an opportunity for exchanging expertise from different experts in the area.

The targeted participants are experts and researchers in Artic region, academics and non-academics; policymakers interested in the Arctic region and experts from the shipping sector (the business community). 

More information about the project and registration for the workshop can be found at the project’s website https://www.bioarctic.info/