City: Ulls hus, Ulls väg 27, Campus Ultuna
Ulls hus, Ulls väg 27, Campus Ultuna
In conjunction with O-ringen taking place in Uppsala, we are arranging an event for alumni at Campus Ultuna.
Come meet other alumni and students and see what the campus environment is like today. Test your knowledge about SLU, create new memories in the photo booth and enjoy some refreshments and appetisers.
(Presentations are held in Swedish)
16.15 Development of Campus Ultuna
John Lööf Green, Coordinator outdoor environments, Division of Real Estate Management
16.45 SLU's educational programmes today
Maria Orvehed, Head of department, Division of Educational Affairs
17.00-19.00 Mingle with drinks and appetizers
Welcome remarks by Anna Lundhagen, Pro Vice-Chancellor, collaboration and environmental monitoring and assessment
19.00 Dinner at Restaurant Logen
Welcome to continue the conversations over a buffet dinner at Restaurang Logen (at own cost). No advance reservations required.
+46 18 67 34 47 or +46 18 67 20 18