City: Zoom
Organiser: University of Tennessee
Additional info:
Please contact gcua@slu.se for further contact details.
Dear GCUA colleagues,
The University of Tennessee is hosting a virtual international symposium on the theme "Towards Urban Sustainability". This is a U.S. National Science Foundation sponsored transdisciplinary symposium, which will include invited talks from 20 countries, addressing SDGs 6, 7, 11 and 12. All presentations will be given “live“ and registration is free of charge. Please share widely across your institutions and networks.
The symposium will be held virtually from 8:00am-12:00pm EST (US Eastern Time Zone), Monday – Wednesday, November 15-17, 2021. Note! 14.00-18.00 CET.
We will also like to invite GCUA students to participate in the symposium’s video competition and join our FEWSUS (Food-Energy-Water for Sustainable Urban Systems) student network. Videos will be highlighted during the symposium and will allow students to showcase their campuses and/or research through our network.
Please contact gcua@slu.se for further contact details.