7 May


Coping with Covid - Working from home and fed up!?

internal events | seminars, workshops |

SLU-Future Faculty invites you to an interactive psychological seminar on how to cope with working from home under quarantine-like conditions with Psychologist Markus Wikborg.

Markus Wikborg works at SLUs unit for leadership development (GHAL) as leader trainer and internal organizational consultant. He is a licensed Psychologist and a retired army officer. Markus has many years of experience from occupational healthcare practice and also had an unsuccessful career as a PhD-student.

When? May 7th, 02:00 - 3:30 PM

Where? https://slu-se.zoom.us/j/61207846678?pwd=RDlQdnpnUGVOaldhbGF6UDMrYldvQT09

Meeting ID: 612 0784 6678

Password: 978356

Registration? There is no need to register beforehand but if you want to join be sure to be on time and log in at 2pm on the 7th of May.

The seminar will be held in English.

Warmly welcome!

Maja Malmberg & Ellinor Spörndly-Nees on behalf of the SLU-Future Faculty Steering Committee


Time: 2020-05-07 02:00 - 03:30
City: Video
Organiser: SLU-Future Faculty
Additional info:

Maja Malmberg - maja.malmberg@slu.se
