City: Uppsala
Location: Dvalin, VHC / Zoom
Organiser: SLU Committee for Global Animal Diseases (CGD)
Additional info:
Info on how to join via Zoom will be published here.
Dvalin, VHC / Zoom, Uppsala
Welcome to a seminar with Dr. Lena-Mari Tamminen, the winner of the CGD award for best scientific publication 2019. Due to the Covid-19 situation this seminar is postponed until the beginning of 2021. Date are yet to be decided.
Dr. Lena-Mari Tamminen is given the award for the article Risk factors and dynamics of verotoxigenic Escherichia coli O157:H7 on cattle farms: An observational study combining information from questionnaires, spatial data and molecular analyses, published in Preventive Veterinary Medicine 170 (2019).
Motivation: “This high-quality study targets verotoxigenic Escherichia coli O157:H7 - a zoonotic pathogen of global relevance. Albeit conducted in Sweden, the study fills critical knowledge gaps of the epidemiology of this zoonosis that are of international interest. This has been made possible through combining a set of different methodologies from different disciplines. The data are very clearly presented in pedagogic and illustrative figures making the paper very enjoyable to read”.
Info on how to join via Zoom will be published here.