This book launch and discursive performance will take place on 27 August 2019 at two locations in Berlin and include a lecture by the Humboldt Researcher Prof. Ottmar Ette on Humboldt's understanding of 'science on the move' as well as statements by the editors on design research for urban landscapes.
As a representative of a novel understanding of science 'on the move', the early explorer Alexander von Humboldt (1769-1859) is again gaining increasing attention in a time marked by the numerous dynamics of globalization. Across disciplines and professions, concepts of motion, process, and time-based design gain influence on practical and theoretical work and replace static patterns of thought and action.
Studio Urban Landscapes is considered a pioneer of this transdisciplinary approach in landscape architecture and urbanism research and practice. Following up on their book Creating Knowlegde (edited by Hille von Seggern, Julia Werner and Lucia Grosse-Bächle, Jovis 2008, 2nd extended edition 2016), they now launch the book Design Research for Urban Landscapes. Theories and Methods (eds. Martin Prominski and Hille von Seggern, Routledge 2019).
The event is supported by the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences SLU, Leibniz University Hannover, and Bauhaus University Weimar.