23 May


Sorphea Sen will nail her thesis

It is a great pleasure for us to welcome you all to house 5, 5th floor in VHC where Sorphea Sen will nail her thesis

"Evaluation on brewery yeast and insect meal (Black soldier fly and Cricket meal) to replace trash fish in the diet for Asian seabass (Lates calcarifer) in Cambodia"

The nailing will take place adjacent to the lunch area in the western part of the floor, near "Yggdrasil". Coffee and cake will be served afterwards.

We would also like to welcome you to the oral defence on Thursday 13th June 2019, at 9:15 p.m. in "Audhumbla", ground floor in VHC.

Faculty opponent is Prof. David Little, University of Stirling University, Scottland.

A warm welcome from the supervisor group:

Anders Kiessling, Jan Erik Lindberg, Andrew Barnes & Torbjörn Lundh


Time: 2019-05-23 14:00
City: Uppsala
