Tramway and development plans around Ultuna

Last changed: 03 June 2024

Uppsala will grow by 70,000 inhabitants by 2050, which means a need for new public transport, new roads and new housing. This affects SLU's operations at Ultuna in various ways, partly through the planned tramway that will run through Ultuna, and partly through new buildings adjacent to the campus.

On this webpage

  1. FAQ
  2. News and upcoming acitivities
  3. Governance of the process and working methods within SLU
  4. Land agreement with the municipality
  5. Development plans for the southern city


Here you will find answers to questions about what is happening in the process related to the tramway plans. The content will be continuously updated.
The municipality's website contains information about the tramway plans.

How will the tramway affect SLU?

There are two tramway sections that will run through Ultuna. In the coming years, we will be affected during the production phase, which will last for various periods during 2025-2030. For example, there will be some excavation work that may affect accessibility for periods. In the long term, there are also plans for new buildings - especially new workplaces adjacent to the campus.

Since the tramway, both during the construction period and once it is in operation, may affect SLU's operations, it is important that we participate actively in the planning and monitor our interests so that the tramway and planned buildings do not affect our operations to a significant extent.

Here is a map of how the different sections of the tramway will run:

spårsträckning 680.jpg

How can SLU ensure that our activities are not affected?

Since SLU is a property owner, we are involved in the various stages of the planning process. Two processes are currently underway for the different sections of the tramway that will run through Ultuna. You can read more about the processes on Uppsala Municipality's website and read all the documentation.

In addition to the statutory planning process, negotiations between SLU, Akademiska Hus and Uppsala Municipality on two agreements are ongoing:

  1. Implementation agreement: this agreement regulates Uppsala Municipality's access to the land in order to prepare and dig for railway traffic.
  2. Environmental impact agreement: this agreement regulates how much disturbance may affect SLU, including noise, vibrations and electromagnetic fields that may affect our operations.

When will we notice the construction and excavation of the Campus?

The municipality's current plan is to excavate Ulls väg in 2025 to relocate cables and prepare for the actual track laying. Once this is completed, it will take until 2027 for the tracks to be laid. The excavation work will most likely affect the avenue trees that currently stand along Ulls väg. This is an issue that will be addressed in autumn 2023 in dialogue with the municipality and Akademiska Hus.

Does SLU own the land and buildings on the campus?

Akademiska hus owns the buildings and the majority of the land on which SLU operates. SLU owns a small amount of land. However, SLU owns the land that is mainly affected by the new bridge for the tramway on the eastern side of the Fyrisån river. Akademiska Hus and SLU work closely together and we have a great deal of consensus on these issues.
Maps of land ownership in and around Ultuna

What will happen to the oaks in the avenue?

What will happen to the oaks in the avenue?

It depends on the technical solution chosen for the power supply. If an overhead wire system, also known as catenary wires, is used, then a significant number of trees will need to be removed. As part of the tramway project, the municipality will develop a tree plan outlining how they intend to compensate by planting new or relocated trees in the vicinity.

Will the tram extension through Ultuna affect the parking possibilities on campus?

During the construction period of the tram line, the availability of parking spaces will be impacted. We are exploring different solutions to minimize the negative impact on employees as much as possible.

Exactly how the parking situation will be affected once the tram line is operational is difficult to determine at this point. One consequence could be that the need for parking spaces diminishes due to the new tram line and improved public transportation access to the campus.

Governance of the process and working methods within SLU

The operational work is conducted by a working group consisting of:

  • Anna Lidvalla Gräll, Project Manager at the Division of Infrastructure
  • Peter Thorén, Head of Real Estate Management
  • Pär Aronsson, Head of Faculty Administration at NJ faculty.

The task of the working group is to conduct negotiations with the municipality and organise the internal consultation process. Supporting the working group is Mats Åkeskog, a property lawyer. This is an external consultant specialising in property law.

The working group has a reference group consisting of, among others, the curators of the various buildings on campus, but also other people with good insight into the activities on campus.

The working group reports to Martin Melkersson, University Director.
Formally, it is SLU's rector or board that makes all decisions related to these issues.

News and upcoming activities

  • Uppsala Municipality has signed an agreement with Uppsala akademiförvaltning about the area called Northern Sunnersta (south of Ultuna). Read the news

  • During September-October 2023, the municipality's consultants will conduct background measurements of noise, vibrations, and electromagnetic fields on campus. Some measurement equipment will be placed outdoors near walls. This equipment will be labeled to prevent any concerns about its purpose. The background measurements will primarily serve as the basis for the municipality's requirements regarding the tramline. Secondly, these measurements will be used if any disputes arise regarding disturbances during the construction and operation of the tramline.

  • On 22 August, all employees were invited to a digital information meeting. The working group presented the municipality's plans and how SLU will comment on the ongoing review and consultation cases. 

  • On 8 September, SLU must have submitted its opinions for sections A-C and 29 September is the deadline for opinions on section D.

Land agreement with the municipality

Uppsala municipality, SLU and Akademiska Hus have reached an agreement that enables a careful development of Ultuna and an area south of Nåntuna over the next 30 years. The agreement, in the form of a letter of intent, covers exchanges and purchases of land for SEK 167 million. Read more about the agreement here (in Swedish).

Development plans for the southern city

The Southern City is Uppsala municipality’s plans for expansion of housing, workplaces and public transport through 2050. The comprehensive plan describes six areas of development with different mixes of housing, activities and services. These areas are the Rosendal area, Polacksbacken, Malma, Ulleråker, Bäcklösa/Lilla Sunnersta and Ultuna/Norra Sunnersta.

The municipality's website contains documents and information about the plans in the area.


Working group:

Pär Aronsson, Head of Faculty Administration at NJ faculty
Telephone: +46 18-672567

Anna Lidvall Gräll, Project Manager at the Division of Infrastructure
Telephone: +46 18671032, +46 722-468777

Peter Thorén, Head of Real Estate Management
Telephone: +46 18-671695, +46 70-36 740 27