16 Jun
20 Jun

PO Bäckströms auditorium, Umeå, Sweden

SILVA/IUFRO Div. 3 PhD student conference

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SLU’s research school, SILVA, in co-operation with IUFRO Division 3 invite you to an international PhD student conference in beautiful Umeå, where SLU’s Faculty of Forest Sciences has its main campus. The location and timing is carefully chosen, so you will have the possibility to both enjoy the magical bright nights of Northern Sweden, as well as the possibility to add this activity to your participation at the 26th IUFRO World Congress in Stockholm.

The conference will provide an arena for networking and discussing challenges in forestry practices.

The theme is Sustainable forest management adaptation to climate change.

Conference subthemes will cover, but are not restricted to:

  1. Biodiversity conservation
  2. Detection and resistance to natural disturbances and damage mitigation
  3. Peatland forestry and restauration
  4. Forest operations for management and restauration
  5. Tree species mixtures
  6. Stakeholder engagement and participation

One part of the conference will be dedicated to hands-on and field-based experiences of and discussions on the (highly digitalized) Nordic forestry practices. The other part of the conference will be dedicated to presentations related to the conference subthemes. 

The participants will be a blend of SLU’s PhD students and international participants. 


Time: 2024-06-16 18:00 - 2024-06-20 16:00
City: Umeå, Sweden
Location: PO Bäckströms auditorium
Organiser: Research School SILVA and IUFRO Div. 3
Additional info:

Benefits, costs, and selection

There is no fee for participating in the conference. During the conference, the travels during excursions are free of charge as wells as some of the meals. Participants will have to pay and arrange their travel to Umeå as well as their housing in Umeå, except for PhD students at SLU’s Faculty of Forest Sciences who can be financed by SILVA.

Key dates for attending 

June 16th: Arrival, registration, reception and icebreaking event. 

June 17th: Indoor conference activities 

June 18-19th: Field excursions; Visit to forest owners (private persons and companies) to discuss and see forest management practices 

June 20th: Indoor conference activities. Conference ends. 

June 21st – 22nd Optional activities together with SLU PhD-students.

Below you can download the conference program

Link to document:

Related pages:


Ola Lindroos, Professor
Department of Forest Biomaterials and Technology, SLU
ola.lindroos@slu.se, 090-786 86 36