Visions for a sustainable food system at Alnarp’s Agroecology Farm

Last changed: 26 April 2023
Vegetable grower behind a table with vegetables, photo.

On around 1200 sq/m of land at Alnarp campus, Alnarp Agroecology Farm grows vegetables and cultivates practical skills in farming in line with principles of agroecology.

The project was launched by a group of agroecology students in 2020 who found themselves deprived of practical, hands-on experience where they could apply their theoretical knowledge of agroecological farming. Doing what their courses and programmes could not, the students took matters into their own hands, developing a student-run organization and digging their first vegetables beds.

Now entering its third season, the Alnarp Agroecology team run two fully-fledged agricultural plots that provide produce for Community Supported Agriculture (CSA), farmers markets and harvest parties. Food&Cities has interviewed Claire, Secretary and Communications Manager, and Leon, Production Manager, to explore the organisation’s development and the importance of agroecology for creating a fairer and more sustainable food system.  

Read more about Alnarp Agroecology Farm at SLU Future Food web here.

Text: Andrew Galagher, SLU Future Food.
Photo: Alnarp’s Agroecology Farm.

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