Letter from the Dean

Last changed: 27 June 2024
Petra Fransson

October and mid-term. The warm summer seems far away when my days are filled with new work tasks as vice-dean and research. October was also the month when the promotion of new doctors finally took place after the pandemic.

The promotion is a wonderful way to celebrate 120 new SLU doctors who finalized their theses despite pandemic restrictions and limitations. Many familiar faces passed by at the castle dinner, persons that I have interacted with over the years as faculty director of studies, from boards, introduction days, or simply from asking for help. Through research collaborations and journal clubs, and through the research school and teaching. Our Ph.D. students make a large contribution towards the research output, and what would the research groups be like without Ph.D. students? The answer is obvious, and during a great evening at the castle, I am happy to celebrate together with the new doctors and proud to be part of the research education.

We do quality assurance so that our Ph.D. students can go through research education in the best way, and for us to be able to improve. The systematic quality work is visible at all levels now after the departments started their quality work for research and environmental monitoring and assessment. In research education, we have already worked with quality assurance for several years, and feel up to speed. Soon we will have a quality dialog, and in January the next round of quality work starts at the departments. I hope all Ph.D. students and supervisors take the opportunity to improve the research education. But first, let’s enjoy the autumn. Have you seen the fabulous etchings from the maple leaves around the square? If not, take a small walk even if the weather is bad and check it out.

/Petra Fransson, Vice Dean responsible for research education

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