SLU news

Thesis Day 2024 - A day of science, joy and a promising future

Published: 07 June 2024

Thesis Day 2024 was held at Ultuna and Alnarp campuses and included a poster exhibition, oral presentations, an award ceremony, as well as a much appreciated closing ceremony where the students received a flower and a thank you for their time as students at SLU.

All posters have a focus on sustainability from different perspectives. There were a total of 83 posters and 106 students participating in Thesis Day. The celebration continued with awards, music, mingle, food & beverages, and with lots of fun photos taken in the photo booths. Several participants mentioned fun and interesting meetings with students, and many proud parents and family members attended in both Alnarp and Ultuna 

Ultuna 24 May, Ulls hus  

Fanny Blom, SLU alumna and Project Manager at STUNS, was this year's moderator at Thesis Day in Ultuna. After the well attended poster exhibition, with many attendees and interesting discussions, she guided the audience through five very interesting student presentations. They covered a wide range of topics from the mad cow disease's impact on consumers preferences to climate skepticism in Nigeria.

Following the presentations, it was time for another highlight - the award ceremony. The academic jury was represented by Lena Olsén, Senior lecturer at the Department of clinical sciences,who announced the winners of the Best Poster Award. The jury for the Global Sustainability Award was represented by Ellen Anker-Kofoed, SLU alumna and Coordinator national food strategy at Swedish agency for economic and regional growth, who announced the price to a very proud winner.  

For the first time, Thesis Day was honoured to be the platform for handing out a scholarship from the Seydlitz foundation. On behalf of Mats LandénChairman of the Seydlitz foundation, three students were awarded the scholarship by professor Renee Båge, Vice dean for external collaboration at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Sciences. 

List of award winners 

The programme was closed by Åse Lundh, Professor at the Department of Molecular Sciences, on behalf of the Board of Education at SLU, giving an encouraging speech to the students, followed by a recognition ceremony where all participants were welcomed up on stage to receive a rose and thank you. Thesis Day finished by lots of photos, mingle, appetizers, music and interesting and fun discussions by the posters. 

Alnarp 31 May, Alnarpsgården 

The poster exhibition opened at 11 and was very well attended throughout the day. Sara Kyrö WisslerProject Leader at the Division of Infrastructure and SLU alumna of the horticultural programme, was the moderator of the day and guided the students and guests through the programme. 

Ylva Hillbur, Pro Vice-Chancellor for international relations welcomed the guests and after Ylva's welcoming words, it was time for five very professional student presentations, all dealing with current and vital issues of sustainability. For more information about the presentations, see the programme.  

Following the presentations, which were attended by more than 80 people, it was time for awards. The Alnarp academic jury was represented by Anders Larsson, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Landscape Architecture, Planning and Management and Librarian Daniel Albertsson represented the jury for the Global Sustainability Award at Alnarp campus.  

The official program ended with a ceremony, where Karl Lövrie, Pro Dean for the Faculty of Landscape Architecture, Horticulture and Crop Production Sciences gave a speech and handed out a flower to thank all students participating in Thesis Day. After the programme, everyone was invited to drinks and snacks.

Following the Thesis Day programme, the Faculty of Landscape Architecture, Horticulture and Crop Production Science organised a closing ceremony for all graduating students and their guests. The closing ceremony was organised for the 3rd year and almost 350 guests participated in the event.

Alnarp Student Union band gave an extra touch to the event by playing for the participants.