SLU news

Communicator wants to promote the work of the SLU Forest Damage Centre

Published: 27 August 2023
Theres Svensson, communications officer at the SLU Forest Damage Centre

In mid-August, Theres Svensson took up her position as communications officer at the SLU Forest Damage Centre. She now wants to highlight the centre's important work and spread knowledge about forest damage.

Theres will be the first communicator to work full-time in the SLU Forest Damage Centre and now wants to take a holistic approach to communication to highlight research and knowledge in the field.

- It feels incredibly fun and challenging to be involved in developing and strengthening communication for the SLU Forest Damage Centre, says Theres.

With her master's degree from Umeå University and the experience she has gained from previous work assignments, she hopes to contribute with new perspectives and a strategic approach to communication.

- Forest damage and the university world are new areas for me, so my first priority is to get an idea of the organisation, its needs and what communication looks like today. It will also be important to have a dialogue with different employees and partners to understand challenges, expectations and opportunities, says Theres.

With a focus on target group and commitment, Theres will develop a long-term communication strategy for the SLU Forest Damage Centre, where both internal and external collaborations will be central.

- It feels great that Theres is in place. We need someone who keeps communication together and who can set a long-term plan to make the work of the SLU Forest Damage Centre visible, says Jonas Rönnberg, Director of the SLU Forest Damage Centre.


The SLU Forest Damage Center works to prevent and monitor forest damage caused by a wide range of pests. The center is virtual and gathers SLU's research and environmental analysis around forest damage.

Read more here: SLU Skogsskadecentrum


SLU Forest Damage Centre

Director: Jonas Rönnberg; +46 40 41 51 79 eller +46 706 72 76 43

Deputy director: Wiebke Neumann Sivertsson; +46 90 78 68 117 eller +46 706 34 90 51

Deputy director and responsible for the research school: Åke Olson; +46 18 67 18 76

Communications officer: Theres Svensson
theres; +46 90 78 68 228, +46 765 46 05 96

Administrative coordinator: Katja Fedrowitz; +46 18 67 21 96