SLU news

Corona status at SLU

Published: 13 January 2022

Homework and teaching - how do the new restrictions from the 12th of January affect us at SLU?

All staff to work from home unless their presence is required for teaching or other tasks

Staff who teach or have other tasks that need to be carried out on-site should have the opportunity to be present at their place of work. All staff who can work from home must do so, as per the stricter government instructions to public authorities. (In Swedish only.) These instructions require that only staff whose physical presence is required to run operations should be present at the workplace.

According to the Public Health Agency, (in Swedish only) this instruction will remain in force at least until mid-February, but the situation will be reassessed every two weeks. The SLU guidelines for students and staff will be continually updated to reflect instructions from the government and the Public Health Agency.


The instructions for teaching and examination for period 3, approved by the chair of the Board of Education on 21 December 2021, remain in force.

Course coordinators and examiners are encouraged to offer, if possible, extra resit opportunities or alternative methods of examination for students who due to the pandemic have missed an exam.

Teaching should be adapted to minimise the spread of infection and can be delivered online if needed to reduce crowding on campus. More information on how to adapt teaching is available at the Public Health Agency. (In Swedish only.)



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