Employee associations

Last changed: 24 May 2024

There are three employee associations at SLU.

SACO-S (the Swedish Confederation of Professional Associations) at SLU

www.saco.se/SLU, email: saco@slu.se

Chair: Maja Reizenstein
1:st Deputy Chair: Peder Axensten
2:nd Deputy Chair: Vacant

Information about contact persons in different areas can be found at: www.saco.se/slu-kontakt.

Statstjänstemannaförbundet (The Union of Civil Servants), unit 221


Unit 221, Agricultural research
Chair: Lotta Olsson

Section 01: SLU Ultuna
Chair: Lotta Olsson

Section 02: SLU Alnarp
Contact: Anne Larsen

Section 03: Umeå, Röbäcksdalen
Chair: Lotta Olsson

Section 10: SLU Skara
Chair: Anne Larsen

SEKO, the Union for Service and Communication Employees, section 704, club 403



Chair: Peter Wickman 018-671057
Deputy Chair: Gunilla Helmersson

Send an email to get information about contact persons in different areas.
Email: Seko@slu.se


HR specialists
HR Unit, Division of Human Resources