Guide direct procurement

Last changed: 03 June 2024

Before a direct procurement is carried out check whether there is a framework agreement that can be used (in Proceedo or If you find a suitable framework agreement, please place an order based on what is stated in the agreement.

If there is no suitable framework agreement it is possible to purchase the product or service from any appropriate supplier. Make sure that the total value, excluding VAT, is less than SEK 700,000. In case of a higher value, please contact the purchasing unit. 

For more complex or extensive purchases a template for direct procurement services or direct procurement products can be used.

When the direct procurement has been completed, you place the order in the e-commerce system Proceedo.  

Obligation of documentation
When the value of the purchase exceeds SEK 100,000, the purchase must be documented. The documentation shall include:

  • how the purchase has been exposed to competition
  • the reasons for choosing the supplier
  • the winning quote
  • any signed contract and placed order.

If you want guidance in how to carry out a direct procurement you can contact your purchasing role or the procurement unit.


If you need information about e-commerce and Proceedo, please contact
If you need information about purchases at SLU, please contact the Purchasing Unit