7 Oct
11 Oct


Mental Health Week

events |

Mental Health Week is organised by the Student Health Services, in connection to the annual World Mental Health Day, and is between 7–11 October. Mental Health Week is organised to draw attention to mental health and well-being. During the week a range of lectures, workshops and activities are offered, for students and staff.

Mental Health week

Activities all week

Photo exhibition: “Activities that contribute to mental wellbeing!”, Ultuna

Short presentation

In this uplifting photo exhibition, Anna Frisint, Mid-Sweden University, shares some of the photos that were taken through participatory photovoice research with young adults in Östersund. These youth have documented what makes them thrive. The photos are complemented with explanatory interview quotes (in Swedish). Would you like to share what makes you thrive? Please contribute to our MHW Poster Session and Co-Creation Space located in the same place. (See separate activity.)


SLU NJ and VH equal opportunities committees, SLU HR, and Anna Frisint, Mid-Sweden University

Date, time and place

Monday the 7th 12:00 – Friday the 11th 14:00, Lower entrance, Ulls Hus, SLU

Mental Health Interactive Expo Booths


Visit our interactive expo booths. In this space we want to create an approachable, hopeful and fun atmosphere where you, as students and staff, are encouraged to reflect and engage in mental health dialogue to increase awareness, reduce stigma and misconceptions, and be reminded to check in on yourself and each other. The booths will focus on coping, positive life skills, general wellness, and much more. Would you like to volunteer and help out? Find out how below.


SLU NJ and VH equal opportunities committees and HR.

We need some volunteers to staff all the booths. Would you like to help out with the booths, whether to develop or execute them, and whether for a short while or the whole afternoon? No previous experience needed. Contact johanna.bergman.lodin@slu.se

Time, date, place

Wednesday the 9th, 12:00-16:30, Lower entrance, Ulls Hus, SLU

Activity Monday 7 October

Soft Yoga at Friskis & Svettis Ultuna

Welcome to participate in a free soft yoga class led by Karin Norgren Ngatia at Friskis & Svettis Ultuna. Please bring a yoga mat or a towel to lie / sit on.


SLU NJ and VH equal opportunities committees and HR.

Date, time and place

Monday the 7th 12:00 – 13:00, Stora Hallen, Friskis & Svettis Ultuna

Take care! How can we take care of ourselves and each other to thrive in a (sometimes) stressful environment?

We welcome both students and staff and will start off together with an introduction and then break up into peer-to-peer groups to explore this subject over a fika. We will document our joint ideas on and experiences of how to thrive in academia, in our community, and or in the world, and share with you and others afterwards. If you have time, do visit the photo exhibition in Ulls Hus, SLU, before the workshop for some inspiration. Register so that we know how much fika to order, or come by anyways (we care and share)!


SLU NJ and VH equal opportunities committees and HR.

Date, time and place

Monday 7th 13:00 – 14:30, Lecture hall Särimner / Sal Särimner, VHC, SLU. Registration: https://www.slu.se/en/registration-mental-health-week/ 

Talk about autism (in Swedish only)

This session will presented in Swedish via Zoom.

In a personal conversation with the University Chaplainicy Linnea Lampa Kurkkio, Sanna Linder, (H)ironkolls ambassador and former SLU student, will talk about what it can be like to be on the high-functioning part of the autism spectrum. More information will follow.

SLU NJ's and VH's Equal Opportunities Committees, HR, and the National Association (H)järnkoll. (H)järnkoll works for increased openness about mental illness with the goal that everyone should have equal rights and opportunities regardless of mental functioning.


Password: 649649

Activity Tuesday 8 October

Meditative painting

Welcome to a meditative painting session with Ultuna Student Union’s equality committee (LikeU). Here you get the opportunity to forget about your studies for a moment and to be creative.

You are welcome to bring and work with any types of paints or pencils you like such as watercolour, oil paints and so on. We will listen to music and paint just for fun. There will be no focus on performance. This is an opportunity to be inspired by others or to paint exactly what you want.

If the weather is nice we will start the activity with a short walk on campus to gather inspiration and get into the right mood. Come and have fun, meet new people and create!

Bring: Your own materials.
(Ultuna Student Union can to some extent contribute with some brushes, paint and paper if you don’t have your own, email the Ultuna Student Union’s equality committee
uls_likeu@stud.slu.se and ask).

Time: Tuesday 8 October, 16.00–18.00

Location: "Ateljén", the studio, at Ultuna Campus, Ulls hus, Almas Allé 8, Uppsala

Activity Wednesday 9 October

How to make a difference when you see someone being treated badly. Bystander intervention training for students.

Short presentation

Most of us have probably been onlookers when someone has behaved badly or said something inappropriate, not knowing what to do about it. Intervening and speaking up can be difficult and requires training. In this workshop you will learn everything you need to know about bystander interventions: how to move from identifying a problematic situation to how and when you can take action in a safe and effective way. Together we can fight harassment and inequalities!


SLU NJ and VH JLV committees

Date, time and place

Wednesday the 9th, 9:00-12:00. Lecture hall S / Sal S, Ulls Hus, SLU. Registration: www.slu.se/en/registration-mental-health-week

Mental Health Interactive Expo Booths


Visit our interactive expo booths. In this space we want to create an approachable, hopeful and fun atmosphere where you, as students and staff, are encouraged to reflect and engage in mental health dialogue to increase awareness, reduce stigma and misconceptions, and be reminded to check in on yourself and each other. The booths will focus on coping, positive life skills, general wellness, and much more. Would you like to volunteer and help out? Find out how below.


SLU NJ and VH equal opportunities committees and HR.

We need some volunteers to staff all the booths. Would you like to help out with the booths, whether to develop or execute them, and whether for a short while or the whole afternoon? No previous experience needed. Contact johanna.bergman.lodin@slu.se

Time, date, place

Wednesday the 9th, 12:00-16:30, Lower entrance, Ulls Hus, SLU

Cosy Autumn Crafts

The evening will be started with a quiz about plants and animals. Then the rest of the time will consist of cozy crafts. You can bring your own craft materials or use the materials provided by BiOM, one of the Ultuna Student Union's study monitoring councils. On site, there will also be coffee at cost price.

For questions, please email the Ultuna Student Union's study monitoring council.

Time: Wednesday 9 October, 17:00

Location: SLU Ultuna, Framtiden, MVM, Lennart Hjelms Väg 9 Uppsala

In Swedish: Interview with Klas Bergling, Tim Bergling Foundation

This interview will be held in Swedish only


Karin Borg from the University Chaplaincy leads a conversation with Klas Bergling, father of Tim Bergling, also known as Avicii, and founder of the Tim Bergling Foundation.


SLU NJ's and VH's Equal Opportunities Committees, HR, and the Tim Bergling Foundation.

Day, time, place

Wednesday the 9th, 16:15-17:00, Zoom: https://slu-se.zoom.us/j/61728460088
Password: 649649

Activity Thursday 10 October

Who cares? Picture a Scientist movie screening and workshop

Despite the minimal news coverage, sexual harassment and gender inequality against women are no less prevalent in science than they are in pop culture and corporate America.” Join us in watching the movie ‘Picture a Scientist’ (ca 65min.). Bring your lunch box and we bring the popcorn! If your time permits, stay on to engage in a conversation afterwards on how we as students and staff for example can build nurturing relationships and caring practices in academia beyond our gendered experiences.    

Date & time

Thursday the 10th 12:00 – 13:30

Place (2 locations)

1) Lecture hall R, Ulls Hus, SLU Uppsala

2) Conference room, Dept. of Aquatic Resources, SLU Lysekil, Turistgatan 5

Workshop i Swedish: What are we really doing here?

This workshop will be held in Swedish language

What are we really doing here? Why is life often so difficult, with so many good and bad things at the same time? But above all, why do we often feel alone in these thoughts, even though so many of us carry them?

Welcome to join the University Church to try to talk about existential health. Without preconceptions, we have a conversation where there is no right or wrong. We are based on a conversation methodology called “Open Cards” developed by Ida Hallgren, philosophical practitioner, and Pontus Nilsen, priest. These conversation cards contain questions that have been part of human history, in philosophy, religion and psychology, and which are still just as relevant.


University Chaplaincy and SLU NJ and VH Equal Opportunities Committees and HR

Day, time, place

Thursday 10 October 15:15 – 16:15, Sal Z, Ulls Hus, SLU

Activity Friday 11 October

Guided body meditation (in Swedish)

Come and try body meditation.

The session is led by Margareta Hammarlund-Udenaes from Acem [pronounced 'akem']. After an introduction where Margareta briefly talks about the latest meditation research and the health benefits of meditation, participants will try a guided meditation called body meditation.

Acem is a non-profit organization based on psychological understanding of meditation and experiential knowledge, not on philosophy, beliefs or ideals. The meditation technique has been tried and tested over a long period of time, and the experiences have been systematized and analyzed in the light of modern psychology, medicine and brain research.
For both students and staff.

Time: Friday, October 11, 14:15 - 15:00
Location: Faculty Club / Loftet (Ladugården), SLU Campus Ultuna, Duhrevägen 8, Uppsala


You can find more information and more activities at Uppsala University: www.uu.se/en/students/support-and-services/student-health-service/mental-health-week


Time: 2024-10-07 - 2024-10-11
City: Ultuna/Online

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