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Doctoral education

A programme consisting of four years' full-time study and 240 credits, which leads to a doctorate. A licentiate degree consists of 120 credits and two years' full-time study. In order to be accepted for doctoral studies, you must have completed basic university education, with at least one year at second-cycle level. A doctoral student gains a deeper insight into their subject in their doctoral studies. A doctoral thesis constitutes at least 120 credits of doctoral studies (80 for a licentiate degree).

There are 203 pages tagged with Doctoral education:

Dissertation Kristina Berggren Nieto

Enhancing spruce defence against an insect pest : effects of somatic embryogenesis and methyl jasmonate treatment charlotta.bergstrom@slu.se Kristina Berggren Nieto defends her thesis "Enhancing

Diss Rafaelle Reumaux

Constraints and opportunities for organic crop production in areas of high agricultural productivity charlotta.eriksson@slu.se Rafaelle Reumaux defends her thesis "Constraints and opportunities

Doctoral student ombudsman

An ombudsman is a representative for someone else, in this case a doctoral student. The doctoral student ombudsman (DO) Monika Appel gives individual support and counselling to doctoral students and

Diss Mahlet Demere Tadesse

Implementation of digital technologies in logistics systems of low-income countries An assessment based on case studies in Ethiopia charlotta.eriksson@slu.se Mahlet Demere Tadesse defends her

Diss Pablo de la Peña Aguilera

Community assembly across Subarctic landscapes Exploring patterns of diversity charlotta.eriksson@slu.se Pablo de la Peña Aguilera defends his thesis " Community assembly across Subarctic

Dissertation Carl Lehto

The nature of human habitats : revealing outdoor recreation preferences through landscape utilization charlotta.bergstrom@slu.se Carl Lehto defends his thesis "The nature of human habitats :

Dissertation Rebecca Larsson

charlotta.bergstrom@slu.se Rebecca Larsson defends her thesis "Spatial and temporal dynamics of seedborne, airborne, and foliar fungal communities in Swedish forest nurseries" on May 24 2024. All

CRU PhD student course: Comparative reproductive biotechnologies

cru@slu.se The aim of the course is to expand the participants’ knowledge and understanding of reproductive biotechnologies in vertebrate animals and humans. Comparative aspects of reproductive

Diss Sokha Kheam

Insect-plant interactions within cultivar mixtures: volatile plant communication as an underlying mechanism charlotta.eriksson@slu.se Sokha Kheam defends his thesis "Insect-plant interactions

Diss Shishanthi Jayarathna

Novel starch types Molecular diversity for future applications charlotta.eriksson@slu.se Shishanthi Jayarathna defends her thesis "Novel starch types Molecular diversity for future applications" on

Biorefinery Pilot Research 2024

PhD course: Biorefinery Pilot Research, 5 ECTS dimitris.athanassiadis@slu.se This course is co-hosted by the Bio4Energy Graduate School in collaboration with RISE Energy Technology Center (ETC) and

Diss Johan Lundblad

Exploring facial expressions in horses - biological and methodological approaches sofia.webering.ekberg@slu.se Johan Lundblad defends his thesis: Exploring facial expressions in horses - biological
